Monday, June 20, 2011

A Martha Stewart Wanna Be

My name is Alison, and this is my confession... I'm in love with Martha Stewart. Her food is delicious, her designs beautiful and organic, and her style is totally organic. I'm so inspired by her. When I got married, I had every intention of following in her footsteps. However, for every "Good Thing" Martha has going for her, I have about 50 bad habits I'm trying to break. Delicious dinner? No problem! The dishes? Eh, they can wait for tomorrow. Aannndd, it's a domino effect.

This so far has been a mild annoyance in our household. Every week my husband and I will go around cleaning things, but it always goes back to the same cluttered status quo. This has to change however. While it may not be an issue for us, we are expecting our first child any day now. (Literally, I have contractions, but no where near enough to go to the hospital for at least a few days.) I will NOT raise my child in such an enviorment! So here's the plan- I'm going to take advantage of this nesting instinct while I have one, and whip our house into shape for baby's arrival! (Plus, I heard scrubbing floors can induce labor. Just saying, I wouldn't complain!) After that, I'll be home with our little girl for at least the summer, and I want to set up good habits that will stay with our family. Up on schedule today, clean the kitchen. It's a mess after making cupcakes for a friends birthday.

So follow me as I track my progress in becoming an even better cook, cleaner and entertainer in the way of Martha Stewart! I don't know who, if anyone, will read this, but advice and support will ALWAYS be appreciated! I will keep posting on my progress as a housewife and new mother, so please follow!